Monday, November 19, 2012

The Electronics

The Electronics of the first version will be just the ATMEGA328 chip from the Arduino Uno, the crystal (clock), the input connectors (Rx Channels), the output connectors (ESCs) and the connectors for the 2 remaining digital ports and the analog ports, letting the board ready for some expansion.

Screenshots from Eagle:


Input/Output and Arduino Digital Pins Mapping:

Outputs  (PWM pins):
ESC1 – D3
ESC2 – D5
ESC3 – D6
ESC4 – D9
ESC5 – D10
ESC6 – D11

LED – D13

Rx1 – D2 (Aileron)
Rx2 – D4 (Elevator)
Rx3 – D7 (Throttle)
Rx4 – D8 (Rudder)
Rx5 – D12 (Extra) - Parachute deployment?

ESC1 will provide power (5v) to R/C receiver

ESC2 will provide power (5v) to the ATMEGA328 chip

The positive teminal of ESC3, ESC4, ESC5 and ESC6 will be disconnected.

I used optiLoader by Bill Westfield to burn the bootloader to a blank ATMEGA328 chip.
The procedure can be found here:

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