First thing was to figure what parts we needed to buy to start to build the structure.... and the electronics. Also, the most expensive part of the project: the R/C.
First list of parts and components:
- Futaba 6 Channels 2.4GHz R/C (one for each engineer)
- Carbon fiber square tubes
- Wood
- Screws and nuts
- The amazing Dremel tool
- 9 x 4.7 Propellers (CW and CCW)
- Turnigy Park480 Brushless Outrunner 850kv
- Turnigy Plush 30amp Speed Controllers AT

For the electronics, we are currently using the arduino uno for the tests, but the arduino board will not be used. The ATMEGA328 chip will be removed from the board and put in the pcb that we are going to build. For that, we will need some additional electronic components, such as:
- PCB Ferric Chloride
- ATMEGA328 chip
- ATMEGA328 chip socket (28 pins)
- 16 MHz Crystal (clock for the ATMEGA chip)
- 22pF ceramic capacitors
- Pin headers for connecting the Rx Channels and ESCs (regular and 90°)
- 12 gauge cables for the power (the first version will have a power distribution made of cables)
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